Resolution Copper continues investment in local kids and teachers through $900,000 partnership with the Superior Unified School District

SUPERIOR, AZ, September 31, 2024 — Resolution Copper, a joint venture between Rio Tinto and BHP, announced an agreement with the Superior Unified School District to donate $900,000 to fund educational opportunities for students in the district.

The announcement is the latest milestone in Resolution Copper and the Superior Unified School District’s fifteen-year partnership to support teachers and provide students with the tools they need to advance their education and career aspirations.

Superintendent of the Superior Unified School District, Stephen Estatico, reacted: “We are thrilled to continue our collaboration with Resolution Copper. This donation will be essential to providing the technology our students need to learn in a hybrid school environment, as well as continue additional student enrichment activities like CTE courses, student leadership, and boys’ and girls’ sports. Resolution Copper’s support is invaluable for our schools and the broader community.”

Vicky Peacey, General Manager of Resolution Copper, commented: “Superior, Arizona and the Copper Triangle of Arizona is more than where we work. It’s our home, and education is something that we feel strongly about because it leads to opportunities. We couldn’t be happier to support teachers and help students at Superior Unified School District develop the skills and confidence needed to lead the development of our region and make an impact. At a time when there is an increasing need to build the mining workforce. Our donation will also help open opportunities  for students about the wide range of exciting and high-paying career opportunities in the mining industry, which plays a critical role in the nation’s energy and national security needs.”

Since 2016, Resolution Copper has invested more than $2.2 million in over 280 local initiatives around Superior, Arizona, spanning education, environment, community development, and arts and culture. Since 2022, Resolution Copper has awarded more than $800,000 in scholarships to over 240 local students. In addition, in 2019, it committed to a four-year $1.2 million agreement with the Superior Unified School District, which included support for STEM and robotics programs at local schools. Resolution Copper has an active apprentice program focused on training, skills and direct employment for local Copper Triangle residents.

About Resolution Copper

The Resolution Copper project is a proposed underground mine that will be developed by re-using the disturbed footprint of the historic Magma Copper mine in the Copper Triangle of Arizona. The project is a joint venture owned by Rio Tinto (55%) and BHP (45%). The ore deposit lies nearly 7,000 feet below the earth’s surface. It represents one of the most significant untapped copper deposits today. The mine has the potential to supply nearly 25% of US copper demand as well as other strategic materials and critical minerals.


Contact: Tyson Nansel, Resolution Copper, 520.827.9056,