Strengthening Local Partnerships with Superior Environmental Solutions

At Resolution Copper, we believe that our success is deeply intertwined with the prosperity of the local communities around us. One of the ways we foster this connection is by prioritizing partnerships with local businesses, ensuring that the economic benefits of our project extend well beyond our operations. Today, we’re proud to shine a spotlight on one of these valued partners: Superior Environmental Solutions, a landscape and construction company based in Superior, Arizona.

Meet Mario Sanchez: A Local Leader
Mario Sanchez, the dedicated owner of Superior Environmental Solutions, has been a cornerstone of our partnership network since the very beginning. His company has played a crucial role in the development of the Resolution Copper site, providing essential services that help maintain and improve our operations. But beyond the work itself, it’s the spirit of collaboration and mutual respect that defines our relationship with Mario and his team.

“From day one, we’ve worked hand in hand with Resolution Copper,” Mario says. “The mine can’t exist without us, and we definitely enjoy working for the mine. We work together.”

Mario’s words reflect a core truth about how we operate at Resolution Copper: we are not just a mine, but a part of the broader community fabric. Our collaboration with Superior Environmental Solutions exemplifies how local businesses and our project can support each other, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits everyone involved.

Building Stronger Communities Together
Our commitment to hiring locally goes beyond just words. By engaging with businesses like Superior Environmental Solutions, we’re able to create jobs, stimulate the local economy, and ensure that the benefits of our project are felt right here in Superior and the surrounding areas. Mario and his team are a perfect example of how local expertise and dedication can make a tangible difference in the success of our operations and the wellbeing of the community.

We take pride in knowing that our partnership with Mario and Superior Environmental Solutions is helping to build a stronger, more resilient local economy. Whether it’s through landscaping, construction, or other essential services, the work they do is integral to the daily operations at Resolution Copper and to the overall health of our local environment.

Looking Ahead: Continuing Our Commitment to Local Partnerships
As we continue to develop the Resolution Copper project, we remain committed to supporting local businesses like Superior Environmental Solutions. These partnerships are not just about business—they’re about investing in the future of our community and ensuring that the economic benefits of our project are shared by those who call this area home.

We invite you to watch our latest video featuring Mario Sanchez, where he shares more about his company’s journey and the importance of our collaboration. Together, we’re building more than just a mine—we’re building a future for Superior, Arizona, and beyond.

To learn more about our commitment to local hiring and partnerships, visit our website at

Watch the Video Now:

By sharing stories like Mario’s, we hope to highlight the meaningful impact that local businesses have on our project and the community. Stay tuned for more stories of partnership and collaboration as we continue to work together for a brighter future.